Noble is focused on providing a safe and healthy community. To this end we would like you to reach out to one or all of the people listed on the side via email or discord. Noble takes all allegations very seriously and will address them internally and review. External investigation will be done if warranted. The management team along with two Noble streamers that are of underrepresented minorities will be part of a group that will review all reports submitted.
If you wish to submit a report anonymously we will provide a form below to respect your privacy. You can also reach out to any one of the people on this list and ask to be kept anonymous if you feel like that is needed.




AirMid (Karina)
Discord: Airmid#6295
Black Oni (Willie)
Discord: Black Oni#4837
Lupa Plays (Danielle)
Discord: Lupa_Plays#1208
Parmeshaun (Shaun)
Discord: Parmeshaun#5089